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作者: 时间:2017-06-02 点击数:

Lecture Series on British and American Literature

Faculty of Foreign Languages, Ningbo University


Professor: Péter Hajdu


June 6 TUE. 10:00-11:35

Lecture One: Enlightenment, Satire, Ireland

Text: Jonathan Swift, “Modest Proposal”


June 7 WED. 13:00-14:35

Lecture Two: The rise of the novel, social mobility, and the concept of

Romantic love

Text: Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice


June 13 TUE. 8:00-9:35

Lecture Three: Romanticism, detective story

Text: Edgar Allan Poe, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”


June14 WED. 13:00-14:35

Lecture Four: Colonialism, post-colonial studies

Text: Rudyard Kipling, “On the City Wall”


June 15 THUR. 8:00-9:35

Lecture Five: Modernism, modernist short story, stream of consciousness

Text: Catherine Anne Porter, “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall”


June 19 MON. 13:00-14:35

Lecture Six : Post-colonial literature, postmodernism, magic realism

Text: Salman Rushdie, “The Free Radio”


June 20 TUE. 10:00-11:35

Lecture Seven: Fantasy, post-modernism and popular culture

Text : Terry Pratchett, “The Sea and the Little Fishes”


June 21 WED. 13:00-14:35

Lecture Eight: Cultural memory

Text: Ivan Vladislavić: “The WHITES ONLY Bench”


June 22 THUR. 8:00-9:35

Seminar, a collective short story analysis.

Text : Ian McEwan, “Dead as They Come” 


June 23 FRI. 15:00-16:35

Seminar, general discussion

讲座地点: 李达三外语楼422会议室


主讲人简介: Prof. Peter Hajdu,匈牙利比较文学和古典语文学著名学者,国际比较文学权威期刊Neohelicon执行主编,国际比较文学学会(ICLA)执行委员会成员,匈牙利科学院文学研究所高级研究员。2011年起担任匈牙利佩奇大学古典语文学系讲座教授。精通拉丁文和英、德、法等多种欧洲语言,主要研究领域为当代文学理论、古典诗学。著有《知识和叙事》(2010)、《文学、历史、神秘感、陌生感》(2009)、《即使是希腊人:古老的传统研究》(2004)、《Claudius Claudianus史诗》(2002)等。


电话: 0574-87600321         邮编: 315211 
地址: 浙江省宁波市江北区风华路818号李达三外语楼