金秋季节丹桂飘香 学术大餐盛情呈现
讲座题目(7):Session on Shakespeare's Openings
讲座题目(8):Different Critical approaches to W.B. Yeats poems
讲 座 人: Prof. William Baker (美国北伊利诺伊大学荣休教授)
主 持 人: 程文 博士
讲座地点: 开云官方在线入口,开云(中国)422会议室
讲座时间: 11月4日(周一)下午3:00-4:30 (讲座 7)
讲座时间: 11月5日(周二)下午3:00-4:30 (讲座8)
讲座人简介:William Baker is Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Northern Illinois University. He edits The Year's Work in English Studies (Oxford University Press, English Association), George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Studies, and is Book Review Editor and Advisor for Style. The author, co-author or editor of over 150 refereed articles and over 30 books his latest publications include the two volume Jewish Writing: A Reference and Critical Guide to Jewish Writing in the UK. [co-authored with Jeanette Shumaker] Edward Everett Root, 2019 and Additional Wilkie Collins Letters. Intelex Full Text Humanities On-Line Databases, 2019.http://pm.nlx.com